Amber in Nude - SMASH Shoes (size 12)/Skater Skirt - Collage Clothing Lounge/Leather Look Sweater - Alloy Apparel/Belt - Collage Clothing Lounge/Crossbody Clutch - H&M/Sunglasses - Collage Clothing Lounge/Necklace - Forever 21
Work is a place where people tend to get lazy with their style. I know I do. I mean, I see these people every day and quite frankly am too tired to put effort into the way I look when we had a game until 11p the night before and have to report at 8:30a the next day. Do I go out of my way to be perfectly polished? No siree bob. You will be lucky to get some wavy hair and a smattering of eyeliner.
But this is not the right way to go. I had to check myself. Alicia, take 30 extra minutes and do something substantial with yourself. You never know what can happen in a day. A normal work day could turn into a multitude of things and first impressions are evareethang (I spelled that wrong on purpose). Shoot, continued impressions are equally important.
Today's look is a perfect example of a pumped up work look. Don't go for the drab, go for the freakin fab. Pair classic options with unexpected pieces that still adhere to the office wear rules.
I paired this chic skater skirt with a leather look sweater that gives the fit the flare it needs. I belted it to give this tall body some shape and added my fav neutral heels from SMASH Shoes.
So that's my answer to my lazy style habit...what's yours?