paperbag waist — Vlog — TALLSWAG

paperbag waist

Paper Planes

I'm getting geared up for a trip...wait for it...TO CUBA! I have always wanted to go and now that most everybody can, I want to visit before it gets 'touristy' (is that even a word?). So...away I will go later this month.

I am going with 3 of my friends and we will be visiting Havana, Santiago and Holguin. It's going to be amazing and I am so thankful that God has placed me in a position to have the experience.

Of course I will be documenting my entire trip and fits:-) Depending on the internet access, it may be after the trip...but regardless of when...I can't wait to share it with you.

This outfit is a little preview of what I will be wearing in Cuba. Easy, breezy and simple. I'm bringing 3 pairs of neutral colored shoes and pieces that are easy to mix and match because we can't bring a lot of luggage. We will be staying in casas particulares (private homestays) and on-the-move from city to less is definitely more.

I really think that this trip is going to be a life changing experience. Right now I am at a point in my life where I have to make some overdue decisions (which I will talk more about at a later time) and I feel the experience that I will have on this getaway will definitely have an impact on the choices that I make.

With all of this said...if you know of any photographers or videographers in any of the cities that I am going to in Cuba, please let me know! I will capture most of the trip myself but would love to work with someone in each city. :-)

Thanks in advance and have a great weekend beautiful!