ashdav photo

See You at the TallSWAP

I am so excited to tell you about this! I could sit here and write out every detail but let's watch the promo video shall we...

Yes! You heard that right. IT'S A TALL CLOTHING SWAP! It's our first tall event and I can't wait to see all of you there.

Don't want to swap? No worries! There is an option to mix and mingle without swapping a thing.

Want to swap hard? You can buy an exclusive VIP ticket to enter the swap early.

There are some great options that all add up to an afternoon of tall fabulousness. Clearly a made up word is the only way to describe the amazing afternoon that we are going to have.

Carly and I are so excited to meet's going to be epic! Click HERE for your invite...see you at the TallSWAP!

Click for more information on our first tall clothing swap!Photo by Ashdav Photo

Click for more information on our first tall clothing swap!

Photo by Ashdav Photo

Not in The Bay? Comment with your city below. We would love to know where you are...maybe we can meet one day:-)

Roll On

When life happens, it happens.

It comes at you full force.

Often it takes no names, can be uncomfortable and the only thing you can do is pray your way through it.


Personally, I have had my share of those moments lately. Not even gonna lie...I have been eating my way through some of it. Comfort foods are my jam and while it's not a lot, I have gained the freshman 15 and hunni...I'm far from a freshman.


So when I saw these photos, I almost tossed them. It was a confidence check for sure. I immediately thought of photo shopping my sides and then I literally said out loud...

Girl, stop trippin.

I rebuke the agenda setting that created the false image of beauty inside of me. Not only would that be a fake concept of who I am at this current moment, there is absolutely nothing wrong with some curves bay-be.


There is also nothing wrong with being in a period of uncertainty. As a matter of fact, the uncomfortable times are the ones that shape you the most. Praise God for what He is doing in and around you. You are growing in ways that you can't even imagine. Without struggle, there truly is no progress. Best believe you will be stronger on the other side.

Consider it pure joy, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. |James 1:2-3|

Will I lose the weight, probably. But the lesson is that weight shouldn't dictate how we feel about ourselves and nor should the circumstances around us. matter what you or your body is going through remember who you are, who He created you to be, stand tall and roll on!

Busy Becoming Me

I'm busy yo. 

My busy has increased ten fold over the last 3 months. I'm blessed. It's what I have been praying for and please believe that I will move my feet right to the promises that God has for me. I'm listening and more importantly acting on the last thing God told me to do.

With that busy, comes a craving for a streamlined look. I need it to be easy, chic and reflect me. 


Enter neutral pieces like this versatile skirt. Long Tall Sally killed it with this one. Love the length, the color and shape. I can wear this with anything and I do. I often wear it more than once a week and dare someone to say something. Who cares?

Now, I am sure that this hits some type of trend, but this is also something that I no longer care about. In the past I picked things to fulfill a style quota of sorts. I would comb the Internets looking for the next big thing. What a waste of time. Style is a reflection of you. I love a good fashion show just like the next person but never should a runway dictate what you put on your body. 


I must say, shedding strongholds is hard work. From style to love letting go of things that no longer serve you is uncomfortable but it's necessary to get closer to who we are and who we need to be. God cannot give you anything new if you are constantly holding on to things He didn't give you in the first place. Society is good for telling you who you should be but God set you apart. He created you specifically and you must walk the path He tailored for you. It's the best, most beautiful place to be.

This really got deep. I was talking about a skirt and went in lol. Probably because this is where I'm at. Everything is deep. I'm changing and moving closer to God every single day. I am right smack dab in the middle of a refinement period and I'm thankful.

Where are you at? Wherever it is, know that it is making you stronger. We are all learning and growing. There is no time like the present to stand tall in your truth and let God do His best, most formative work on YOU.