style — Vlog — TALLSWAG


Stay safe. Give forward. Stand Tall.

I want to start this out by giving you a round of applause. I really don’t have the words to describe the time that we are in but what I do know is that if you are reading this, you are here, doing the best that you can, and I am proud of you for that.

While we don’t know what the future holds, we do know that we are going to have to continue to take measures to stay safe. There are many ways that we do this but one that is at the center of them all is wearing a mask at all times outside of your home.

While wearing a mask is not something that we would normally choose, it is an essential act of love for all of us. It slows the spread of viral particles, which helps to protect ourselves and others. it is literally a shield in our battle and I wanted to do my part to provide well constructed (and I would be lying if I didn’t say stylish) masks to those who want them and also vital masks to vulnerable communities in the Bay Area that need them. So I put on my creative cap and got to work…

Stay safe. Give Forward. Stand Tall. Check out the limited edition Pineapple, Gingham, and Animal Print face masks HERE. Also, learn how you can Give Forward HERE.

Stay safe. Give Forward. Stand Tall. Check out the limited edition Pineapple, Gingham, and Animal Print face masks HERE. Also, learn how you can Give Forward HERE.

Shop TallSWAG masks Here. Give Forward HERE.PS. Shoutout to the absolutely terrible job that I did on my eyebrows. When Eyebrows Go Wrong should be a show that I clearly should star in. I was going to throw this montage in the computer trash but I h…

Shop TallSWAG masks Here. Give Forward HERE.

PS. Shoutout to the absolutely terrible job that I did on my eyebrows. When Eyebrows Go Wrong should be a show that I clearly should star in. I was going to throw this montage in the computer trash but I have to live my terrible eyebrow makeup truth. I mean, were the lights even on when I was filling them in? Sadly yes, yes they were. Now, back to our regularly scheduled program. Focus on the Pineapple mask;)

The limited-edition Pineapple, Gingham and Animal Print masks allow you to practice safety while also expressing who you are. Most importantly, they reserve surgical and N95 masks for the healthcare works on the frontlines that desperately need them.

The best mask out of all of these are the masks that you can help provide for vulnerable communities in the Bay Area. For every $5 you donate, someone in need of a mask will receive a handmade, 100% tightly woven cotton, double layer, washable, durable, reusable face mask. It’s well constructed, universal and will provide essential coverage for those who need it.

Thank you for helping all of us! I can’t wait to bless people with these masks. It is vital that we all stand together against this. Thank you for your support! I will continue to pray that you, and all of us, Stand Tall through it all!

Change Cadet Podcast LIVE

Werking from Home

In the past 8 months, there have been so many changes in my life. Despite the best of plans, I don’t think that you can ever be ready to catapult into full time entrepreneurship. It’s incredibly freeing and sometimes equally as terrifying. You are literally steering the ship and relying on your own volition for everything. It took me some time to adjust. Driving your own cause takes will power, meticulous scheduling and a lot of prayer. I have called out to God more times than I can count. However at the end of the day, it’s completely worth it.

One of the biggest adjustments has been working from home. I was business casual for 13 years and now I have a commute of zero. I literally could work in my pajammie jams all day. Ok, for a time I was but I found that my mind would stay in bed as long as I still had the clothes that I slept in on. So what do you do? Sit at your computer with a full suit on? That would be a full on negative ghostwriter for me. If I am at home, I am going to be comfortable but I also need to be able to pick up and go at a moments notice. So what’s a tall girl to do? I jumped on the net to find the chicest of sweats and landed at our good friend ASOS.

Admittedly, I could wear the ASOS tall line every single day and especially now because the loungewear is straight fire. This ribbed top and pant are a prime example of the amazing pieces they have to kick it in the most fashionable way possible.


And when I have to run to a meeting or meet up, I pick out my pineapple (aka fluff the fro), throw-on some accessories and I strut down the street like the boss I was created to be. In this case, I literally added an earring, circle bag and block heels. I go from work-at-home chic to power meeting ready in the blink of an eye.

These are sweats people! I mean it’s changed my whole style point of view. Fierce and incredibly comfortable at the same time? Sign me up! Let’s take this lewk in shall we!? Scroll and I will see you at the end…


You will undoubtably see my style changing in different ways. My life is vastly transforming and that means that everything is morphing to compliment it. I look forward to sharing these new lewks and lookout on life with you. We are constantly learning in growing in all areas and I am honored to do it with each and every one of you. Talk to you soon gorgeous!

Too Tall to Model

Me at 16:-)

Me at 16:-)

This contest is now closed. Thank you for all of your amazing entries. Stay tuned for more from Alloy Apparel.

I have been modeling since I was very young. As I grew, modeling agencies started telling me that I was too tall to model. They told me that they loved my look but that nothing could fit me off the rack and thus I couldn’t be a model. This continues to happen to this day.

There are many problems with this false reasoning. Not only should there be clothing for all body types represented in the fashion industry, telling someone that height is holding them back is ridiculous. Any woman at any time should be able to thumb through a magazine or runway and see clothes that fit her and someone that looks like her. While there have been many strides made, there are still so many women and body types that remain unrepresented.

Recently I was blessed with the opportunity to model for Alloy Apparel. Not only did everything fit like a glove, I felt completely seen and heard. Alloy gets it. They understand that there is a void in fashion and they are doing their part to fill it. It’s an opportunity that I will always be thankful for and you have the chance to do it too!

Alloy Apparel just launched their model search. They are looking for new faces. It’s a great opportunity for us and I hope that you enter. Check out the logistics below. I straight up copied and pasted them so you get all of the accurate details:-)

Alloy Apparel's first model search! Show us your best pose and tag us @alloyapparel on Instagram with the hashtag #myalloy

Winner Receives:

  • Flight and accommodations  

  • Professional hair and make up

  • Photoshoot to be the face of our next collection


  • Ages 18+ 

  • Sizes 4-24 and 5'9" or taller

  • Must be able to fly to California 

  • Must be from the Continental US 


Here is another fun BTS photo from the shoot. It was so much fun! Can we talk about how beautiful Jamie Lea is though! Check out my story about the shoot in my instagram highlights.

Here is another fun BTS photo from the shoot. It was so much fun! Can we talk about how beautiful Jamie Lea is though! Check out my story about the shoot in my instagram highlights.

I can’t wait to see your entries! Opportunities like this may seem small but every movement towards change for the inclusion of all women in the fashion industry is one that needs to be celebrated. A win for one of us, is a win for all of us.

Best of luck in the contest but if you don’t get picked, DO NOT GIVE UP! The people who need to see you, will. Your opportunities are coming. Continue to move your feet and your purpose will unfold in the exact way that it should. You are set apart and will achieve exactly what you were meant to conquer. Don’t let anyones perceived limitations stop you from being who God created you to be!

Speak Up

When I saw this jumpsuit, I literally shed a tall tear. Yes. I am emotional by nature. Sappy commercials can trigger watery eyes but this jumpsuit called out to me. It was like hey Alicia girl! Not only is it animal print (which you know I live for), it’s also LONG ENOUGH in every way. You wanna hear the most amazing part? It was only $29. That’s not a typo my friend.


Now. Don’t hate me…but this beauty was so popular that it flew off the shelf before I could shoot it BUT it’s just one of the many pieces that are the new COLLUSION line from ASOS. The site describes the line as:

A new brand for the coming-of-age generation that refuses to compromise on principle or style, COLLUSION believes clothes that celebrate self-expression and inclusivity should be the norm. It's no surprise then that it's linked up with six inspirational creatives to shape its first collection, which includes denim, knitwear, dresses and loads more.


Now apparently this was made for something called the Gen Z that apparently I am aged out of but I don’t give a dang. I really like a lot of the pieces and will rock them as my older self pleases. The design and the price are winners for this lady.

I also love that they had a collective of six young designers, models, artists, and influencers that created the line. That is dope. Creative collaboration is my jam. Let’s just pray that ASOS calls me to help create their next Tall line. *speaks it into existence*


Now, let’s talk about these beautiful sock boots. They are from none other than Payless. Payless has been a staple in my closet since I was young. As a whipper snapper, not only were they the only shoes my Mom could afford, they were also the only ones that could fit. They have been holding it down for size 10-13 for years and continue to step their game up design wise. These joints are a testament to that.

While we are speaking things into existence, Holla at me Payless! We have a capsule collection to make, as well as a sick commercial that I have already scripted. Let’s do this!

See…they really are long enough. I knew you were wondering.

See…they really are long enough. I knew you were wondering.

Photos and MUA by Nikki NotarteTall COLLUSION Jumpsuit - ASOS (sold out. Check out the new line here)/Brash Women’s Xaya Pointed-Toe Sock Boots - Payless (shown in size 12)/Belt - Thrifted/Hoops - Forever 21

Photos and MUA by Nikki Notarte

Tall COLLUSION Jumpsuit - ASOS (sold out. Check out the new line here)/Brash Women’s Xaya Pointed-Toe Sock Boots - Payless (shown in size 12)/Belt - Thrifted/Hoops - Forever 21

I will be rocking this jumpsuit a lot. That $29 will be put to good use! Don’t be surprised if you see me running down the street wearing the suit, some sneakers and a faux leather jacket. Yep. That’s gonna be me.

PS. If you even had a thought, even for a moment, that you shouldn’t wear this much print…THROW THAT THOUGHT OUT THE WINDOW AND RUN OVER IT. You can wear whatever you please. Give them somethin to look at hunni!

I Give Up


Admittedly my love life has kind of sucked. There have been a lot of lows and some amazing moments which enabled me to completely understand what love is and why it is so important to have it in some capacity in your life. I have toiled over the reasons why it is taking me so long to find it. There have been tears, confusion and often times sheer anger that it has not come my way. I have had years of constant control along this road that have led me to one life-changing conclusion...

I don't have control over it at all.

Yes. My steering of the love ship has been fruitless because God is the one who should be steering it. While it may be His choice for me to be single, there is a reason for it and no matter what I do, His plan for my life will prevail. There isn't a worry, a moment of anger or a pit of confusion that will stop it, so why am I wasting that energy? Quite simply...


That's right. I completely and totally give up the control to God. I lay it down right in front of Lord knowing that it was always yours in the first place. You have merely been waiting for the moment for me to give it to you. IT IS YOURS!


I will not toil over it, run after it or try to figure it out. I will not plan it out in my head or orchestrate a picture in my mind of who it will be. When it comes to love, if it doesn't come from you, I don't want it. Point. Blank. Period.

I am completely open to your picture of it. I know that love will come in an unlikely package and it will be the best one that I have ever opened. God, I know that if it is in your will, it is you and you alone that will make it happen. Your will for love in my life be done.


And really...this should translate to EVERYTHING in our lives. If God doesn't send it, return that bad boy right to the sender. He orchestrates everything in our lives for our good because we love Him. Control in everything is not yours, it is HIS.

This is undoubtedly easier said than done but try your hardest to take a breath, drop that elephant of anxiety from your chest and rest in His perfect timing.  The picture He paints is different for each and every one of us but one thing is for sure...they are ALL masterpieces. 

SHIRT - God is Dope | Shoes - Target (shown in size 12, sorry out of stock, similar HERE) | Ankle Pants - ASOS Tall (similar HERE) | Crossbody - Forever 21 | Earrings - Candid ArtPhoto credit - Lakeela Smith

SHIRT - God is Dope | Shoes - Target (shown in size 12, sorry out of stock, similar HERE) | Ankle Pants - ASOS Tall (similar HERE) | Crossbody - Forever 21 | Earrings - Candid Art

Photo credit - Lakeela Smith